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Writer's picture: mosquitotek0044mosquitotek0044

Mosquito are a nuisance in many homes. Their tendency to show up at the least expected moments are embarrassing. Roaches have a frightful sight, the big ones to be precise. They hide in crevices, drainages, in ovens, virtually dark corners and come out to scavenge on food remnants. Due to the tormenting effect they have on me, I managed to find a cheap but effective way of getting rid of them for a span of time. Boric acid, sold in agro-chemical stores is my solid weapon. A concoction of boric acid, milk, sugar, and red onions mixed into a slightly thick paste is poured in shallow containers. These containers are then placed strategically within the reach of cockroaches. Boric acid is deadly poisonous keep the mixture away from reach of children. I get a clean 3 months break until the effect of boric acid begins to wear off.

You can attest to this fact that a dirty house will automatically attract pests. Empty the kitchen bin every day especially at night. Clean the cookers after preparing meals, do the dishes when people are through with eating. Piled up dirty dishes attract flies and are feeding sites for cockroaches and rats. Food spillages on kitchen surfaces and floors must be wiped away with soapy water. Unclog blocked drainages. Keep food covered to ward off flies. Starve these insects and rodents and they will leave for greener places.

Rats are spoilers for lack of a better word. Anyone who has had an encounter with them knows too well that they only consume a small fraction of their 'meal'. Talk of rats and mice having a taste for good things. Explain how they find their way to our closets and nibble on that treasured designer outfit in a way it can not be repaired for use on official duties. Mouse traps will be a preferable choice in cases where rats are few in number. Place some food in the trap to entice the animal. Some of these traps are designed in a way that the victim is unable to free itself once inside. Others have loops which snap to grip the animal if stepped on. Another option is to purchase poison for rodents. It is mixed with solid food as the animal will not foolishly munch it in its naked state.

Insecticides are used on house-flies, cockroaches and drosophila, the latter which savor fruits. Spray insecticide in the absence of any edibles as they are poisonous when ingested. Avoid spraying on utensils too. Lock the room for 10-15mins to intoxicate the insects with the aerosol. Spraying insecticides is usually short term because the insects become resistant to one particular brand. It is advisable to hire a professional if your pests just won't get the message.

Household pests pack germs with them and if they are uncontrolled, we go down with food related illnesses. Make your home pest free with easy solutions.

If your home is invaded by mosquitos and pests then why not call Mosquito Tek of Manassas who provide pest control in Edgewater. Whether you need an ant exterminator in NYC or a roach exterminator NYC Titan Pest Control can surely get the job done in no time.


Have you ever been inside sitting on the sofa, watching your favorite television show and you suddenly felt an itch on your arm? You looked down to inspect the area and found a red mark. It didn't take long for you to realize who the culprit was. All of a sudden, you wished that you were a mosquito control expert. The good news is you don't have to become an expert yourself. That is because they already exist. They are able to save you from constantly being bothered by these annoying insects.

One of the places that these critters usually do their damage is during backyard house parties. It could be a high school graduation party or even a family gathering. These insects don't care what is going on. Knowing that they are attracted to light only provides minimal help. That's because, there's no way that all of the lights could be turned off. There's no way anyone would be able to see. This would defeat the purpose of even throwing the party. So, people usually just settle and choose to deal with the problem. However, this doesn't have to be so; not when there are mosquito control specialists.

There are also times when someone just wants to sit outside in their backyard during the night, just to relax. They don't want a party. They may not even want anyone to come and join them. They just want to be able to sit and think in peace. The bad news is, it's hard to accomplish this with mosquitoes around. If they will mess up a party, they will surely wreak havoc on someone sitting outside in their backyard.

Someone may believe that there shouldn't be mosquito control specialists to help in the aforementioned situations. In their eyes, insects and animals belong outside. Therefore, people who don't want to be bothered should just stay inside. Well, many people also experience this issue when they are in the comfort of their own home.

Because these insects are so small, it's easy for them to go unnoticed, until they bite someone of course. So, it's no surprise how easily they can ease their way indoors. It only takes someone opening the door for 10 seconds. After that, one shouldn't be surprised if there are at least five mosquitoes that have crept in. The bad thing about this situation is that there's really no way to escape. Going outside is not a good option. The good news is that a mosquito control specialist is always available to help solve the issue.

So, the next time you find yourself dealing with the wrath of these crittersArticle Search, call your local mosquito control professional. You don't have to settle for dealing with the annoyance.

Mosquito Tek control can feel like a necessity during the hot summer months. Clear the air with

Writer's picture: mosquitotek0044mosquitotek0044

Hand picked from my private collection • Styling: Anable • Photography: Eve Simon

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